Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
August 29, 2023: Prigozhin death confirmation, Florida shooting, and France abaya ban
Facts & Spins for August 29, 2023 Top Stories: Russia confirms Prigozhin's death, Zimbabwe’s opposition claims “massive fraud” in election, Three are killed in a racially motivated mass shooting in Jacksonville, Florida, Libya’s Foreign Minister is dismissed after meeting with her Israeli counterpart, The US Commerce Secretary calls for stability during a China visit, Foxconn’s billionaire founder enters the Taiwan presidential race, A US court cancels a hearing on a Mexican suit against gun makers, A Texas judge blocks a ban on transgender procedures for minors, France plans to ban students from wearing the Islamic abaya in state schools, and Idalia bears down on Cuba — and eyes a Florida landfall as a major hurricane.
Sources: https://www.verity.news/